Synthetic Dream Show
Adam Frankiewicz's archive dreams, recorded on tape recordings with simultaneous translation by outdated speech synthezisers and music by Niko Butcher.
Obsolete DJ
Morning sets from computers of a bygone era. Music bedroom producers from the 90s.
with Radiolab crew Jasmina Al-Qaisi, Adam Frankiewicz, Sara Lehn, Gabi Schaffner
Festival Talk
With Jonas Petry (Seanaps Festival) and Sébastien Branche and Pina Rücker from Ensemble Modèle Réduit.
Loops for Lunch
please hold the line
Festival Report
Mobile radio from the streets and Seanaps Festival sites. See you there!
Making Nature
Ralf Wendt is broadcasting from his installation Making Nature at KNACK Garden, exploring the relationship to what we call "nature".
Self entitled self entitlement office
me-me-me the phone rings into an office where you are what you want to be because you decided that for yourself. ‘a self entitled self entitlement office’ is one of the self-assigned professions of the lovely multi-office Hart Servis (otherwise spelled Heart Service) where Jasmina finally has a workplace.
Traffic Island Research
Vivian La Grange, Direktorin des Instituts für Verkehrsinselforschung und erzählte Ökologien untersucht Leipzigs Insellandschaft en Detail. Heute in Begleitung von Giselle Betterave vom Ministerium für Katastrophenmanagement (MÖK), Leiterin der Abteilung für Wildpflanzen und nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung
Back to Earth
Jumping into the space ship of the exhibition Cozzzmonautica in Timisoara, Romania, we listen into and out of this evenings lecture-special...
Tonight I wear pearls of tears as earrings
Edka Jarząb investigates on uncontrolled leaks of private fluids into public space.
emotional technician
Angry at the knobs. Stressed and nasty during soundchecks. But also technically pissed. Let’s embrace that energy with the ‘emotional technician’, one of the self-assigned professions and unsolicited professions of the lovely multi-office Hart Servis where Jasmina finally is not the only angry person.
Montes Claros 34 #10: El venadito callado w/ Michelle Félix y Jesús Herrera
De todas las cassettes de la colección de Montes Claros 34 es „El venadito callado“ la única que aún no ha visto la luz pública. Por ello, esta emisión en exclusiva para Cashmere Radio supone el gran estreno mundial de las aventuras del venadito en la gran ciudad.
Cuento radiofónico de intriga, acción y suspense protagonizado por Michelle Félix Escalante, acompañado por la música de Jesús Herrera y con la participación estelar de Coco Maria. Agradecemos especialmente la infinita bondad y paciencia de Giacomo en los mandos técnicos.
eine akustische Reise durch die Jugendsprache mit den 7. Klassen der Konrad-Duden-Schule /
Entstanden für die Projektwoche zum Thema “Konrad Duden” in der Jugendkunstschule Pankow.
Listen to the East: Ukraine
Adam Frankiewicz's musical expeditions. Field Recording and nothing more.
Radio Kino
Cinema for Radio.
We listen, among others, to the film. "Urban Solutions": The echoes of colonial exploration and exploitation by European exotic hunters still linger in Brazil even after 200 years. The rift between colonial masters and natives breaks open in modern times into an insurmountable chasm between rich and poor. The film directed by Arne Hector, Vinicius Lopes, Luciana Mazeto and Minze Tummescheit skillfully interweaves letters and drawings by artists from the colonial era with the isolating security architecture in Brazilian cities, which becomes an end in itself. Security necessitates violence, and it is precisely this that necessitates even more security. Between all this stand the porteiros (porters), as protective gatekeepers between the social classes. Radiokino and a lot of birds makes this Film by cinéma copains and pátio vazio a radio play. With verbalised english subtitles.
Superball - in case it breaks
we play a game of ball, 1 window, 1 ball, 1 goal, 3 competitors & 2 commentators. the winner pays it all.
The Ghost Hour
One chapter of Gabi Schaffner's epic field recording composition „a wave novel“.